Mini Wood Panels 2023

Illustrations in order from left to right:

The Cows - Grackle - Cat’s Crescent - Mini Cat Blobs - Healing Pool - Aura - Spirits - Together at the Edge of the World - Friendly Fellas - Passing Through - Get OUTTA HERE! - Berry Inconspicuous - Thunderstorm - Channel 3 - Synesthesia - Observing - Misting - Funny in a Vacuum - Aurora - Nana’s Bunny - A Long Way To Go - Hey man, you feeling okay? - Drop - A Day at the Duck Pond - The Good Sledding Hill - Space - What are YOU looking at? - Blur - What is this place? - Jack-o-lantern - Funny Bird -  Hide and Seek in the Produce Aisle - YIKES! - Minnows - Twinge -
Itchy and Scratchy

All panels are 3x3” and illustrated with posca pens and colored pencil.